Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kick Start

The blog is simple, very simple. Album suno, review likho. Review padho gaana suno.

I realized I discuss a lot about music and songs and how and what makes a song good, bad, memorable, forgettable etc. etc. and probably have a decent taste in music and being a composer myself, I think I can make sense here.

So, will put it on e-paper from now and hopefully guide a few people on whats good to hear and whats not!

So, in case there is no review on this blog yet, just wait a while and I'll start putting up stuff.

Will be reviewing as many 'Hindi' pop/rock/alternative albums and of course bollywood albums too. Might not be able to cover all of em but at least those that matter.


Reviews coming up soon:

1. Fuzon - Journey
2. Jal - Boondh
3. Tashan
4. Sonu Nigaam - Classically Mild

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